Coverage cancels automatically when you move out of your storage unit.
Coverage also cancels when you do not pay the premium.
If you would like to cancel this insurance for any other reason, you will need to confirm that you have other insurance covering your items stored at Public Storage and sign a new Insurance Addendum to your Rental Agreement.
A sample of this form can be found via the link below.
Review Forms and Documents
This can be done by logging into your Self Care Account at and accessing “edit insurance” or you can complete at your Public Storage office.
Once you have confirmed there is other insurance covering your goods in storage, your insurance through the Orange Door Storage Insurance Program will cancel on the first of the following month. Insurance Premium is billed on the first of the month. Cancellations after the first of each month are subject to a minimum premium. Full refunds are provided for full policy months not used.
Please note, Public Storage and it’s employees are not qualified or authorized to evaluate the adequacy of any insurance you may have. Here is a link to Questions to Ask Your Insurance Agent.